Industry Aligned Courses from Global Tech Leaders & Organisations like IBM, NASSCOM, Hitachi, Veritas, PACKT, BPB etc. backed by Industry Projects and Job & Internship support.

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.NET Development for Beginners
from LinkedIn

0 Hours

Description : New to .NET? There’s a lot to explore! Join the Microsoft .NET team to begin learning .NET one step at a time. Find out what .NET is and what you can build with it. Learn how to get up and running within Visual Studio Code and how to enhance your projects with NuGet packages. This course presents a simple, straightforward way to begin your learning journey! This course was created by the Microsoft .NET team. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

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.NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager
from LinkedIn

3 Hours

Description : Most programming languages have an associated package management system that helps find and install code libraries and their dependencies. For the .NET developer, NuGet is the official package manager. In this course, longtime .NET programmer Walt Ritscher looks at the NuGet integration within Visual Studio and the Visual Studio command line. Walt shows you how to install, update, and remove packages from .NET projects, as well as how to search the public NuGet Gallery and create private repositories for your team. He also details the process of creating and publishing custom packages. If you’re a .NET programmer, understanding the Visual Studio package management system is vital knowledge, so join Walt as he takes a deep dive into the NuGet package manager.

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More Python Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Data Science
from LinkedIn

2 Hours

Description : The power and versatility of Python—coupled with its large ecosystem of third-party packages—make it indispensable to data scientists. In this course, instructor Harshit Tyagi shares practical tips and techniques that can help you enhance your own Python data science workflow. Harshit covers how to work with IPython notebooks, including how to debug errors. He shows how to use NumPy to manipulate arrays, as well as how to work with pandas, the data manipulation and analysis tool. He provides tips for visualizing your data with Matplotlib, explaining how to add text to plots and annotate elements on a chart. Plus, get best practices for working with scikit-learn, as well as other machine learning tips.

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.NET Big Picture: Front-End and UI Development
from LinkedIn

2 Hours

Description : When you think about what makes an application successful, it’s hard not to picture its user interface (UI). But as a developer the choices can get overwhelming, and the platform you use to create your UI often looms large as a question for your business. In this course, instructor Walt Ritscher walks you through the benefits and tradeoffs of each option when you’re building a UI on the .NET Framework. Discover the wide range of choices available to you as a .NET developer, so you can pick the UI that’s best for you. Get tips unique to desktop development, including how to work with WinForms, WinUI, and more, before turning to web development and ASP.NET, and exploring models like Web Forms, MVC, Razor Pages, and Blazor. Walt shows you how to get the most out of cross-platform mobile development projects with .NET MAUI and other active third-party frameworks. By the end of this course, you’ll also be poised to better leverage graphics technologies such as GDI+, DirectX, and Unite.

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.NET 6 SDK Advanced Exploration: Attributes
from LinkedIn

1 Hours

Description : Attributes add metadata to your programs and allow you to annotate given types, assemblies, modules, and methods. They’re especially handy if you’re an advanced .NET developer, as they lend your code base more declarative power with the additional services of .NET tools and code libraries. In this course, senior LinkedIn Learning instructor Walt Ritscher shows you how to use predefined, standard .NET attributes as well as how to create custom attributes on your own. Learn about the features of attributes, how they function, and why they’re such a vital part of .NET programs. Get quick tips and user tricks on annotating your code like a seasoned pro, from testing for object quality to marking your testing methods. Along the way, Walt teaches you how to create custom attributes that meet the specific needs of your projects, such as attributes for the JSON serializer, PropertyGrid and the category attribute, the BindProperty attribute, and more.

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