Industry Aligned Courses from Global Tech Leaders & Organisations like IBM, NASSCOM, Hitachi, Veritas, PACKT, BPB etc. backed by Industry Projects and Job & Internship support.

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Tools for Data Science
from Coursera

Description : In order to be successful in Data Science, you need to be skilled with using tools that Data Science professionals employ as part of their jobs. This course teaches you about the popular tools in Data Science and how to use them. You will become familiar with the Data Scientist’s tool kit which includes: Libraries & Packages, Data Sets, Machine Learning Models, Kernels, as well as the various Open source, commercial, Big Data and Cloud-based tools. Work with Jupyter Notebooks, JupyterLab, RStudio IDE, Git, GitHub, and Watson Studio. You will understand what each tool is used for, what programming languages they can execute, their features and limitations. This course gives plenty of hands-on experience in order to develop skills for working with these Data Science Tools. With the tools hosted in the cloud on Skills Network Labs, you will be able to test each tool and follow instructions to run simple code in Python, R, or Scala. Towards the end the course, you will create a final project with a Jupyter Notebook. You will demonstrate your proficiency preparing a notebook, writing Markdown, and sharing your work with your peers.

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Material Jetting and Stereolithography
from Coursera

Description : This course looks at two photopolymer resin-based processes: material jetting and stereolithography. We walk through the build preparation, printing, and post-processing for both processes, and discuss the kinds of applications for which these processes are well suited. The necessary elements for each course are lecture videos, knowledge checks, and project completion. For additional information on certain topics, I've included supplemental readings and videos throughout various lessons that might enhance your knowledge. Because all resources are not available to all students, these materials are optional. In addition, you will note that some of the lectures feature our department’s graduate students. These excellent students are sometimes closer to the material, having learned it recently, so we greatly appreciate their participation in the instructional process.

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from LinkedIn

2 Hours

Description : linkedincoursera

advanced java
from LinkedIn

9 Hours

Description : Advanced Java is the collection of technologies and tools that enable developers to create dynamic and secure applications.

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Load Testing
from LinkedIn

5 Months

Description : Load testing helps developers identify issues like slow page load times, crashes, and system lag. It also helps validate that an application can function properly during realistic load scenarios.

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Test Demo 20th Sep
from Kase Kerala

672 Hours

₹ 10000.00

skill optimization

0 Hours

₹ 1.00

700 jobs placed
SC online apply now

0 Hours

₹ 1.00

900 jobs placed
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